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Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Do I make you horny baby?

How is it, that my husband finds the need to.....how should I word this? Aww hell. Lets just say it. Jerk off. I guess I could have chosen more eloquent words, but..... Anyway, he is married to a woman who is ready and raring to go whenever he is, on top of being adventurous and even enjoying oral sex. So what gives?! How do I know he does it? Good question. Honestly I just assumed everyone did it, and I have no problem with it except for one disgusting little fact. He leaves...evidence behind. I'll get out of the shower and lie down on the bed, grabbing a pillow, only to find a huge fresh stain on said pillow. This has happened more than once. Why wouldn't he clean up the mess? Does every guy do it this way? I'm sorry, but thats gross. And on top of it, a bit insulting. Instead of a nice afternoon romp, I'm left cleaning up his solo act. It doesn't matter how often or how wild and crazy the sex is, he still leaves his signature all over the place, like a dog marking territory. Any tips on how to solve this touchy matter would be greatly appreciated!


At Saturday, July 10, 2004 11:27:00 PM, Blogger wilde_thought said...

LOL. Ben Stiller in 'Something About Marry' flashed through my mind. You don't ever find him with hair gel behind his ear do you? Here's a thought, leave discount hand towels in a drawer near the bed. Request he use these and throw them in the wash when done. LOL. HAND towel. It's late when stupid puns make you laugh.

At Sunday, July 11, 2004 10:47:00 AM, Blogger Good Wife said...

LOL! Its not late and that still made me laugh! hee hee I'm glad to hear that its not normal practice for guys to randomly mark their territory like that, but at the same time, Why am I stuck with the icky one who does?! lol I'll have to think of something tactful to say to him. Thank you for the imput gentlemen!


At Monday, August 09, 2004 6:03:00 PM, Blogger rg said...

meh, I do it on the shower... LOL... self-pleasure and self-measure don't mix...

Sometimes people can do weird stuff when horny... he probably has a fetish for pillows? Mmmm, fluffy...

At Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:04:00 PM, Blogger karlthebunny said...


I think he wants you to find it? Maybe the thought that he couldn't wait, while thinking of you?

But Back to reality!

I use socks, they are always lying around, um..handy.
No it's "not as good as the real thing" (not even Close!!) but it meets a need. He knows exactly where and how, my hand is much firmer than your pussy, and gets the deal done! I don't have to warm you up, or make sure your needs are met!
And I'm not sore the next day!

I would leave the pillow for him to sleep on that night... eww. (works with training puppies) Maybe you could give him a pair of your pantys? *Scented* of course!


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