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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm lazy, I admit it

Last year, after neglecting my blog for so long, I went through and deleted all of the dead links, and there were loads. But there were still a few of my favourites going strong, and I was happy to be able to catch up with them.

Now even most of those are dead or completely missing. I miss so many of my blogger friends, I know that we really used to have a good time on here, through commenting on each other's blogs, emails, etc.


Things change I suppose. I have always hated change.

I suck at updating my links, and I apologize for that. Its the HTML that makes my eyes cross and makes me wary of even messing with it, fearful that I may just muck everything up by mistake. I know, thats the lazy way out.

To my blogger friends who are still reachable and out there reading this, hello! To my new friends, and friends to be made, hello to you as well!

If I have somehow missed your new blog, if you are out there and I just don't know it, email me.


At Thursday, December 13, 2007 9:46:00 PM, Blogger wilde_thought said...

Just wanted to come by and say, "Hi." I see that you're up to your usual brand of naughtiness. I bookmarked you once again and will become a regular visitor once more. Keep inspiring the muse.

At Friday, December 14, 2007 6:24:00 AM, Blogger Good Wife said...

Of all my blogger friends, you are definitely one I am most happy to see again, WT. See that? Already back to being too lazy to spell out your whole nickname? :)

So nice to have you back.



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