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Thursday, November 29, 2007


Rick was telling me about his day as I flopped down on the bed, half way listening to what he was saying as I stared out the window, watching the last leaf trying desperately to fall off of the big tree in the side yard.

He was getting undressed to climb into the shower before he had to dash out again. When he slid off his belt, he folded it over and clapped it, making that delicious leather slap noise. I closed my eyes, and then felt a slight sting as he whipped my ass with his belt.

I think he expected me to protest.

I didn't.

He did it again. This time, just a little bit harder. A pause as he expected me to whine or perhaps even jump up and playfully slap him.

Nothing. I enjoyed it.

He didn't have time to play, so he chuckled as he started up the shower and I was left lying on the bed, slight heat and stinging on my bottom flesh as I closed my eyes and finished off the fantasy in my head.

He has this nasty habit of starting things up and leaving them unfinished that drives me crazy. Not good crazy. Irritated crazy.

When he stepped out of the shower, he had to walk past me naked to get to his dresser. I seized the moment to repay him, and took his cock deeply into my mouth, licking and sucking him, feeling him growing harder and bigger on my tongue. He had no taste, being scrubbed clean, but he felt so good in my mouth.

Using my hand on his slick shaft, I rubbed him in unison with my lips. He starting moaning and placed his hand on my head as he looked down and watched me.

And then I stopped.

"You don't have time for this do you? You have to get going." I smiled, stood up and walked out of the bedroom, happy to see the pout on his face.

When he walked out the front door, he whispered in my ear, "We have unfinished business here, we will resolve this later."

And that is exactly what I wanted to hear.


At Thursday, November 29, 2007 9:08:00 AM, Blogger Tor said...

Ooohhh, very nice. Leather belts can be so much fun.

At Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:02:00 PM, Blogger unknown said...

welcome back to the blogosphere and yes you are correct...many have come and many have gone...some has just faded away...i found other things to interest me but i still do manage to get around and check out some of my fav hangouts. this is one of them


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