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Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Sailor Moon Wouldn't...

We got a book club catalog in the mail just the other day, that had a separate little flyer in it marked Video Vixens, Sexy Anime and More. Rick looked at it and laughed, setting it aside. He was looking through the catalog marking books he would like, (birthday coming up), and then I added, "If you'd like one of those videos, thats fine too, just mark which one you'd like." I tried with every fiber of my being, not to laugh, or act surprised when he picked up the flyer again and remarked, "Well, I just think they would be funny." This man has never bought porn or sex toys or even showed any outside interest in such things in his life. I even order his Playboy for him. Not that he doesn't enjoy the stuff once we have it, but I NEVER expected him to admit to me, to my face no less, that he wanted a pornographic tape, even if it is japanime. The mere idea got my juices flowing. I ordered it that same day, and will probably add it to the anniversary gifts. Today I found it eight bucks cheaper (click title link above) and wouldn't ya know it, my previous order was already submitted. Oh well. A step in the right direction. Then yesterday, as Rick was on the computer looking up free games, he found a free strip poker game. The catch? The girls are japanime. Oh my. Is this a fetish emerging? lol Just a funny coincidence I think. But he wasn't shy about telling me he found the strip poker game, so as I said before, it looks like we're making progress. I'll get him over that shyness yet!


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