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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

On my knees, I leaned across Rick's lap as he sat leisurly on the couch watching television.

"It feels good to stretch out my back like this," I say, my short night shirt riding up and revealing my naked ass to his wandering hand.

He traced circles on my skin, very soft and gentle, before quickly and sharply spanking the exposed skin.

"Oh!", I exclaim, trying to hide the excitement in my voice.

He continued this pattern, tender carresses followed by sudden slaps, leaving my behind red and tingling.

I would moan or sigh or let out a small, "ow", only to be met with more spankings and Rick replying,"You like it. Don't pretend like you don't."

Finally, after several moments without touch, I sat up.

"Did you get up because I stopped spanking you?" Rick asked.

"Yes," I thought to myself, but answered "no".

Needy In Italy

A recent email:

Anthony Need
to me

Mar 3 (5 days ago)

Hi good wife,

I don't Know how, but by surfing on the web I found a picture of you in a site of meeting (so it seems).
I live in Italy and I'd to correspond with u by mail.
Would u like to beginning this corrispondence??

If yes ASAP I'll tell smthg of me at your reply.
If u r not available..., ok it was nice met u in this way as well.I’ll b happy earing soon smthg from u.


I find it interesting how the grammar, spelling, etc. quickly diminish after the first sentence and only gets worse. Smells fishy to me.

Anthony, darling, I don't know who you found a picture of, but I doubt its me. And love, I am very happily married.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Have you missed me?

I can't proclaim myself officially back yet, but Rick has finally got his mind wrapped around a new computer and I can't imagine it to be much longer before I'm back in the saddle.

Interesting reaction from my readers!! From lovely emails from dear friends to conspiracy theories stemming from the fact that I did in fact update my pregnancy blog after temporarily signing off here. Without computer access at home, I was not about to blog my sexcapades on someone else's computer. A simple Pitter Patter update was easily done and not necessary to hide. Goodness, the things ones will think of when given ample time!

Regardless, I've quite a bit of catching up to do, and more than my fair share of emails that deserve responding. I want to personally thank those of you who've sent me well wishes, and spank those of you who deserve spanking. (you know who you are) You'll be hearing from me again shortly.
